Property Details
Price15 pounds
Selling Date1788-12-16
Parties Involved
Buyer(s) name(s)Baker, Reuben Jr.
Buyer(s) residence(s)Yarmouth
Seller(s) name(s)Baker, Reuben
Seller(s) residence(s)Yarmouth
Justice of the PeaceThatcher, David
WitnessesThatcher, Sarah; Baker, Davis
Date recorded by Justice of the Peace1788-12-16
Original date recorded by Registrar1789-03-05
Other names mentionedWixon, Barnabus; Baker, Lydia; Nickerson, Jona
Deed Notes
Lydia Baker has made "her mark" under Reuben Baker's signature but is not mentioned in the text of the deed. Reuben Baker is described as a yeoman. There is an unreadable name for one of the witnesses (Le___, John).
Dec. 1, 1828 recorded in the County Record Book for the Town of Dennis, No. 1, page 5184. Jona Nickerson, Town Registrar.