Property Details
Acreage3 ("Tons" ?); 1/4 acre
Selling Date1812-08-12
Parties Involved
Buyer(s) name(s)Smith, Nehemiah
Buyer(s) residence(s)Eastham
Seller(s) name(s)Smith, Josiah; Smith, Elisha
Seller(s) residence(s)Orleans
Justice of the PeaceFreeman, Solomon
WitnessesSnow, Jonathan; Snow, Gideon, S.; Kingman, Simeon
Date recorded by Justice of the Peace1812-08-12; 1812-08-14
Original date recorded by Registrar1814-05-24
Other names mentionedNickerson, Nathaniel; Young, Moses; Knowles, William; Smith, Richard; Smith, Silvanus; Davis, Job C.
Deed Notes
Josiah and Elisha Smith were both yeomen, and Nehemiah Smith was a mariner. They sold half of the lot undivided with Nathaniel Nickerson. The bounds went from Moses Young land to a fence, to William Knowles' land, northeast 21 rods from his land to Richard Smith's lane, and then 9 rods, 14 feet to Silvanus Smith's "meddow." Also a piece of land called the island, about 1/4 acre.