Property Details
Selling Date1801-10-29
Parties Involved
Buyer(s) name(s)N/A (division of land)
Buyer(s) residence(s)N/A
Seller(s) name(s)Cole, Ruben; Cole, Abial; Cole, Jesse
Seller(s) residence(s)Frankfort, Mass; Orleans
Justice of the PeaceSparrow, Isaac
WitnessesFreeman, William
Original date recorded by Registrar1801-11-04
Other names mentionedCole, Joseph; Cole, Anna; Smith, Joseph; Knowles, Benjamin; Freeman; Bacon, Eben
Deed Notes
This is a deed of division, not sale, for the improvement of our "shears," i.e. shares. Abial Cole's share, or 1/3 part of the land and meadow divided, begins at the northwest bound of the land set aside for the widow Anna Cole's improvement, running southerly 20 pole in said widow's range, thence westerly in Joseph Smith's range 29 pole and five feet, thence northerly 15 pole and six feet to Benjamin Knowle's range, thence easterly 28 pole to the first mentioned bound. It allows (?) to pass out to the way.