Property Details
Selling Date1820-09-30
Parties Involved
Buyer(s) name(s)Hopkins, Asa
Seller(s) name(s)Hopkins, Rebecca
Seller(s) residence(s)Orleans
Justice of the PeaceSparrow, Isaac
WitnessesHopkins, Curtis (?)
Date recorded by Justice of the Peace1820-10-13
Original date recorded by Registrar0000-00-00
Other names mentionedHopkins, Elkanah; Twining, Barnabas; Linnell, Edmund; Hopkins, Prissilla
Deed Notes
the deed is for two pieces of land, the first having a northern boundary of 40 poles, a western boundary of two poles, a southern boundary of 40 poles and an eastern boundary of two poles; second piece of land has western boundary of 12 poles, a northern boundary of nine poles, an eastern boundary of 12 poles and a southern boundary of 12 poles; Rebecca Hopkins is also giving up "all my Rite on that wood Land which was improved by Prissilla Hopkins of Orleans Decesed."